In a profound conversation, opening passages of surreal perceptions rather than forming finite conclusions, renown Swiss cosmologist Michael St.Clair - author of the book Zen of Stars and enthusiast of amazing crop circles, time portals, mirages and mysterious occurences in the invisible world - talks to astrologer Teresa Ann Papac about the future of astrology, extra-terrestrial life, ancient gods, luminescent beings of light, the layered worlds we inhabit, and the hidden landscape of the mind. Spell-binding...
Non-classical suggestions offered by St.Clair create a fascinating adventure anchoring a different conception of multiple realities and the plausible origins of mankind -- more likely extra-terrestrial than made in "His image." This unusual interview - a Saturn-Neptune opposition product - makes altered mind states the norm, rather than the oddity. In it, the inspired Piscean astrologers discuss esoteric teachings, time travel, Krishnamurti - and The Morning of The Magicians dawns...
It always surprised me how oblivious those inside the system actually are. This could be because of how compartmentalized it is, like I said only the "nine" know what they have in mind, but I am not sure, as the plan is to demolish the USA from within, which could lead to a form of Civil War. The rest is well described in Lady No Eyes recollection by Summer-Rain in "Phoenix Rising". By now we are seeing the sea change with China and Iran on the regional rise.
The letter by Ahmadinejad - President of Iran - to German Chancellor Merkel for example shows an extra-ordinary advanced mind at work. There we see clearly how things will develop. Leaders of the future will take the issues to the people of the world, by-passing main stream media. My Persian friends told me long ago they would be the last ones standing and resisting this thing we have come to know as the "new world order". I guess that is the new project of "the nine" -- and I say it will not work. . . .
It became of more use to see the longer haul of time passages, and whatever it is they want inside the control group (guided I am sure by alien hands) they seem to be achieving it to some extent. I say "they seem" because I also know that at some point, probably beginning at the end of 2007, the equations will no longer make sense, and they will see they were misguided. There has already been a shift in how Iran is perceived, for instance, and that was not planned. On the whole I have lost interest in world politics, it is not important, in fact it is totally irrelevant.
That - change - can only come from within, not by reacting to events from outside. It is very important to retain this capacity to meet change in time. Astrologers generally speaking today, in the Western world anyway, are a product of new age thinking, pitted against the fundamentalists of all colors, and both missed the crossing and with it they miss the whole point. The point is we are the change.
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