Monday, March 19, 2007


Good Afternoon I'm from Plymouth Congregational United Church Of Christ in Washington DC ~ And I'm also National President of Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice ~ Which represent Clergy across the country that are concerned about those types of issues ~ And as I begin to speak I want to say how much I appreciate people of faith and the reason I appreciate people of faith is because people of faith they understand that you hold on you continue to press on you continue to persevere so that voices that are small can be made large ~Victory is not won overnight it's won out of protracted struggle ~ What you win is what you fight for hard ~ And what you're able to keep come through blood sweat and tears and sisters and brothers we will close this School of The Americas Because we have faith ~ WE have faith to stand AND to speak AND to go to jail AND to witness day in and day out 365 days a year WE WILL NOT SHUT UP AND WE WILL NOT SIT DOWN! I want to tell you about something~ Elections may Come and Go BUT People of Consciousness and People of Faith will be here Yesterday ~ Today And Tomorrow ~ Even when George Bush is no more ~ Even when his daddy is no more - Even when all of the leaders which have come and gone out of the White House and the Pentagon, and the department of defense ~ When They've all gone ~ We will still be here standing up and pushing the agenda for justice ~ I Believe That There Is/There Are set Things In The Universe and events towards justice and we need to be here because one thing that has happened in the Nation Is the Nation becomes blinded because of the boogeymen - Like Osama Bin Laden - And Ol' AlQuada ~~ They believe they can do anything as long as they make you afraid ~ But the most important thing about the people of conscience is We are not afraid ~ The only thing that we are afraid of is LIES ~ About the only thing that we are afraid of ~ Is when folks paint the truth and manipulated it and turn it so that it's distorted and so that it doesn't really speak towards truth ~ The only thing we are afraid of is Apathy and Silence ~ It's the ONLY THING to be afraid of ~ We're here and we continue to witness because we're going to wake up the American public ~ That America is not Just ~ America is an Empire ~ And being an Empire - It's means you are proficient and efficient at stealing everything in the world ~ That is what makes you an Empire ~ That is what makes you a super power ~ And the military is used just as the Roman Empire used it's military to exploit and to rip off people all over the world ~ Were going to continue to witness because the fact is were tired of greed, were tired of macho behaviour, were tired of weaponry, we believe that there can be another world, we believe that there is another way we can live in the world, we are people of conscience and we are people of faith ~ WHEN folks speak to us about moral values ~ WELL LOOK RIGHT HERE ~ Here stands moral values ~ The values that speak about love thy neighbor ~ The values that speak about respect ~ The values that speak about dignity ~ THE VALUES THAT SPEAK ABOUT PEACE ~ I cannot believe so-called Christians and you notice that I said "so-called Christians" Because if you're a believer ~ YOU can never justify WAR ~ YOU CAN NEVER JUSTIFY WAR ~ You can NEVER justify COLONIALISM or NEOCOLONIALISM or IMPERIALISM You can't JUSTIFY THAT ~ If you are really a believer ~ THE BOOK where it talks about the ~ THE LEAST OF THESE ~ And as I say . . . . Our role in life, is that the blessed of us, must help the rest of us, until the rest of us becomes the blessed of us ~ We are linked to people all over the world, in Latin America Yes ~~ I wanna tell you Latin America and The School Of The Americas and the United States role is only a small slice of the pie ~ For what they do in Latin America is being done in AFRICA and what is being done in Africa is being done in the Middle East and what is being done in the MIDDLE EAST is being done in ASIA. So we're standing up FOR THE DIGNITY OF THE WORLD and for the FREEDOM OF THE WORLD ~ People of conscious need to stand up and speak with more POWER and be more FERVENT AND be more VIBRANT in what you have to say and witness it IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON no matter what the polls say NO MATTER who's in congress ~ NO Matter who's in bed in the Whitehouse ~ SPEAK AND PREACH AND TEACH AND ORGANIZE UNTIL JUSTICE PREVAILS ~


"When I despair, I remember all through history
the way of truth and love has always won .

There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall.
Think of it, Always."


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