Thursday, March 29, 2007


by Hartford Van Dyke Non-Union Lawyer

This writing is Part Three of a three-part series of which the first two parts are now included herein by reference as the INTRODUCTION of this part. PART ONE was entitled WHAT ALL FREE MEN WANT. PART TWO was entitled MONEY.

SOVEREIGNTY - The materialist's golden rule is: He who owns the gold, rules.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild put it more accurately when he said,
Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws. (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1743-1812)

Sovereignty or self-rule ultimately arises not from the possession of gold, but from the responsible exercise of the privilege to spend the paper money currency of a Nation into circulation.

But, the sort of sovereignty that we see today lacks that responsible behavior, so, in what follows, the term sovereignty enclosed in quote marks as sovereignty will merely denote the power to rule.

If the Banks print and spend the currency (paper money currency) into circulation, then the Banks become the sovereign.

If the Government prints and spends the paper money currency into circulation, then the Government becomes the sovereign.

If the Banks unite internationally into an International Banking Syndicate to create a paper money currency spending monopoly, and loan the paper money currency to governments to spend into circulation, then by loaning the paper money currency to governments, the Banking Syndicate remains the party originally spending the paper money currency into circulation even though it appears to the public as thought the governments are spending the paper money currency into circulation. This economic deception of passing counterfeit paper money currency value through two or more parties to disguise the real origin of the currency is called laundering the money. This laundering of the money to confuse the public can be further disguised by the Bank Syndicate paying the Treasury Department of each government to print the paper money currency which the Bank Syndicate loans to the governments.

In this way, the Bank Syndicate can become the sovereign while making it look as though the Government is the sovereign. This keeps the public mellow and politically asleep, and keeps the national pride from being bruised, for, after all, the public is the victim of this confidence game and fraud.

The Banking Syndicate can then carry this loaning racket into a more intense economic enslavement by requiring the borrowing Government to pay interest on the Syndicate currency. Since the Syndicate is the only game in town, meaning that it is the only source of the paper money currency which the Government is using, it follows that the Government has only three methods of paying back the interest which has accrued on the debt.

1. The Government can borrow more paper money currency from the Syndicate to discharge the interest on the debt.
2. The Government can turn over the real or substantial property of the Government, its several States, and/or its citizens to the Syndicate to pay the interest on the debt, or
3. The Government can surrender the control of its offices or officers to the Banking Syndicate as an incentive for the Syndicate to discharge, ignore, or forget part of the debt.

The Banking Syndicate will require that the Government put up its land and property and the land and property of its several States and citizens as collateral to secure/guarantee the repayment of the paper money currency loaned by the Syndicate to the Government.

By this approach, the Banking Syndicate gains the property of the debtor government and its citizens, and moves both the Government and its Citizens into the class discrimination and slavery of feudalism.

To accelerate this movement toward absolute rule and feudalism, the International Banking Syndicate finances the agitation of world events, ignites world wars, and causes economic shortages, shocks, and catastrophes (see "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" by the author) and thereby forces Governments to borrow even more Syndicate paper money currency at interest in order to overcome the difficult events which the Syndicate has created.

Now, you say that it is absurd for a Nation's Government to put up its real and substantial property and the real and substantial property of its several States and its Citizens in exchange for the loan of paper money currency which has no backing, but there is a reason why this is done by governments. Governments are made up of people. Every person (people) is born into this world as an animal and must learn to become a human being, a conscientious person. One of the motives of man s animal nature is greed; another is fear; another is the desire for power to overcome want and fear. Remember that many politicians and many attorneys are of their occupation and gravitate into their occupation because they find the personal control of power to be more desirable than truth, justice, and the American way.

So, let us take a closer look at the Banking Syndicate. Many of the Banks operate as a part of an International Banking Syndicate of organized crime and racketeering. Collectively, the Banks have the only game in town, a monopoly over spending the paper money currency into circulation, enforced by what is known as a protection insurance racket which operates as follows:

If a Congressman of a Government challenges the scam/scheme and its racket, then he is killed by the Banking Syndicate.

If a Government challenges the scheme and its racket, the Banking Syndicate might choose to start a war and engulf the debtor or absconder Government in that war by financing the enemies of that debtor or absconder Government.

So, if a Government wants to be a part of the commercial activity of that part of the commercial sphere controlled by the International Banking Syndicate and/or if it does not want to be engulfed in a war, then it must buy insurance from the Banking Syndicate by borrowing its paper money currency from the Syndicate. This is how the Banking Syndicate becomes the absolute ruler or sovereign.

Once a government's political structure gets sucked into the Banking Syndicate s protection insurance racket, it becomes both dangerous and publicly embarrassing to the politicians to have to admit the criminal mistake and pull away from the racket and racketeering. So, the truth is kept from the public and the Banking Syndicate is allowed to slowly take control of the nations government, wealth, and economy until enslavement of the populace is solidly established (Feudalism - New World Order).

This is how the Banking Syndicate would eventually become the absolute ruler or sovereign of the New World Order.

In the United States of America, the Banking Corporation which represents the interests of the International Banking Syndicate is the Federal Reserve Banking Corporation. Its debt collection arm is the Internal Revenue Service. Notice that the letterhead of the Internal Revenue Service does not say United States Department of the Treasury. It says only Department of the Treasury. The Internal Revenue Service serves a different government, a global government.

The sovereignty problem has been stated.

The goal of the American people is to regain their sovereignty. Abraham Lincoln tried to define the path to that goal in his Gettysburg Address and by his attempt to print non-Syndicate paper money currency on the credit of the United States. He was killed, apparently by the Banking Syndicate started by the Rothschild family in the late 1700's.

When the Government is a Public Trust as it was defined by Abraham Lincoln, specifically, government of the people, by the people, for the people, then it is the people who have the individual right to spend the paper money currency into circulation, and they are therefore the sovereign. Under such a system of government, the government, although it has the power to coin and regulate the currency, must abide by the consent of the governed in order to use that portion of the paper money currency which it acquires from the people by lawful taxation.

All of the energy which powers a civilization arises from the sun and from the unreacted chemicals and unreacted radioactive substances in Nature. Plants store the energy of sunlight as sugar and other carbohydrates.

(1) If the population is constant in members, and (2) if people only charge for a product exactly what it costs them to produce it, then the business activity of a civilization can grow naturally at the rate of output of its agricultural industry.

The currency and money of early civilization was based upon the agricultural output of the civilization and its wealth and economic strength was measured by how much of the sun s energy had been stored in and converted into agricultural products such as food and, hence the power to do labor. Therefore, food was one of the earliest mediums of exchange, currency and money. The food which the farmer sold could be thought of as stored sunlight and could be termed sun money, valued in sun dollars.

When a farmer sold his crop he was, in effect, issuing currency, what would be called agricultural or substance currency. The economy of an early civilization could be said to be measured in sun dollars. Sun dollars kept the commercial engine running.

Agriculture, as a social energy source is a capital industry, as a food source is a supplier of the labor industry, and as a food and materials source is a part of the goods industry.

The oldest chemical industry was the use of sunlight to evaporate the water from sea salt. The other chemical industries which followed the salt industry relied more and more on the energy of fire for reversing the chemical reactions of nature. The fuel for such fires was wood, the energy of which is also stored sunlight.

Mining became an industry also highly dependent upon labor hence agriculture, so that the products of the mining industry, such as gold and silver, also became valued in terms of food, or some other agricultural currency, or type of sun dollars.

The gold is a desirable possession. It is precious. It can be melted, reformed, and divided into any convenient size and be made into coins of any specific weight. Gold became a medium of exchange as coins because it is permanent. It is chemically inert, meaning that it does not rust or corrode easily even when heated. It is meltable, it is infinitely divisible, and it is very soft and malleable.

When the miner traded his gold (coins) for agricultural products such as food and clothing, it was this exchange which established the value of the gold coins. This trading also establishes the value of any other raw material dug out of the ground by the labor of man.

We see, then, that everything has a value based upon man s willingness to exert labor in order to possess it, and hence, all possession is valued in sun dollars, even when the thing possessed is not a direct source of the sun's energy.

Gold and Silver, although they are not energy sources, are highly valued because of their beauty and workability as a material. Gold, especially, for all practical purposes, is treated as permanent, incorruptible, and infinitely divisible, hence ideal for making coins. The coin is used as a substitute for real sun dollars in a commercial transaction of buying, selling or trading. It settles the bargain by providing the difference between what a thing is valued at and what has been traded for it. The difference in trade is called the cost or lien (lie-in). The English expression for it cost me six shillings is it lies me in six shillings because the trade lies or is settle or is resolved by the six shillings. For example, if a pig farmer has pigs to trade and a horse farmer has a horse to trade, and one horse is valued at four pigs, but the horse farmer only wants one pig, then a difference in price of three pigs will have to be supplied by the pig farmer, in which case it will cost him three pig s value in gold and he will say it lies me in the three pigs valued in gold. This difference in trade price is the obligation lien (lie-in) which is represented in gold.

1. A person must be able to charge a profit on his product in order to be able to allow for future expenses such as unforeseen overhead, medical costs, disasters, retirements, business expansion, and increased employment of an increasing population. Where do the extra dollars come from to provide a profit for the person so that he can earn more now than he needs to and thus build up a reserve fund for the future? (Should he take no thought for the future?)
2. An increase in population requires an increase in the available currency if every person is to be able to survive by a participation in commerce and a payment for labor.

Unless there is an expansion of the currency as population expands, the profits made by one person take currency out of circulation which is needed by other people merely to survive. A fixed level of currency in circulation creates an economic hardship on an expanding population and is a form of oppressive population control. (Should population be limited?)
3. Also, people generally have greater wants (desires) than needs (necessities), and profit provides the excess capital to purchase what is wanted, not just needed for survival. (Shall we simplify our lives?)


A thing is an exclusive property if my possession of it excludes you from possessing it. A coin is an example of an exclusive property. If I have it, then you cannot also have it at the same time.

Information or an idea is said to be a non-exclusive property (unless it is secret), because my possession of that information or idea does not exclude you from also possessing it. We can both have the same idea at the same time without one of us depriving the other of it.

As civilization evolves, information becomes more valuable than things because information can be the key to gaining (albeit unlawfully) the control of every real or substantial thing. Despite this, only exclusive property is definite enough to be used as a medium of exchange or currency.

The supply of gold is limited, so any currency or money in the form of gold coin is an exclusive property. But, currency in the form of an idea printed on paper, called paper money currency, is a non-exclusive property unless its reproduction and distribution definitely represents something substantial such as a reward for labor, service, or materials.

A banking person who loans money operates the industry of least productivity and least service, and is occupationally popular only because he appears to have "money" to loan to people even if he loans it for a profit, known as "interest."

Banks and governments become the sovereigns (rulers) when the public/common people allow the banks and governments to spend paper money currency into circulation despite the fact that the Bank or Government does not have substantial real value with which to redeem all of the paper money currency. As has been explained, paper money currency spent into circulation by a Banking Syndicate is backed by a threat of violence accept the (our) money or die. The imposition of a Bank Syndicate s currency as a stick up in which the bank holds a gun to the customer and says, take and use the (our) money or you are dead.

As the Banks and Governments gain "sovereignty," they use the hypnotic power of the human greed for paper money to assemble armies of citizens to protect the Banks and Governments privileges of printing and spending the paper money currency into circulation.

This privilege can only survive if the public is kept ignorant of the positively real nature and source of currency. Currency is always a social representation of the energy and devotion of the common laboring person.

In an economically advanced civilization, the government is by a Public Trust which is defined as government of the people, by the people, for the people. In such an advanced civilization, engaged in a natural economy, the common people rely on their Public Trust government to print and regulate the expanding currency, and depend on the common people to each spend their allotted part of the currency into circulation. In this way, the common people retain their sovereignty and the governments and the banks are and remain subservient to the common people.

1. We see, then, that the solution of the problem of the Banking Syndicate seizing the sovereignty consists of the discovery of the method of shifting the privilege of spending the currency into circulation away from the Banking Syndicate and toward the people. How shall the public be given or gain an allowance or allotment of paper money currency to spend into circulation so that sovereignty returns to them and resides in them instead of the Banking Syndicate?
2. It is at once clear that the allotment of paper money currency to each person will in some way be proportional to their labors, their sacrifices, and their contribution to the quality of civilization. But the Banking Syndicate is not going to voluntarily or peacefully give up this allotment or allowance to the people.
3. A government always rules by force, and the Banking Syndicate ever more ruthlessly rules by deadly force.
4. So the first personal allotments and establishments of sovereignty must be taken by force of law, commercial law to be exact, because only commercial action can bring force to bear upon a (Banking) Syndicate entrenched in commerce.
5. Banking Syndicates are very protective of the currency privilege - the privilege of spending the paper money currency into circulation, so when a Banking Syndicate opposes a transfer of its currency privilege to the public, it does so at first by engaging into battle the established legal (but not lawful) army of the State known as the esquires or attorneys, those who defend the political/economic system of attornment and feudalism.
6. Immediately the Banking Syndicate must be opposed by a subjugation of its army of the courts, the esquires. This is done by bringing criminal charges against the esquires (judges and attorneys) and the other officers of the State who are supporting feudalism.

They are charged with betraying and violating the republic or republican democracy (a democracy contained within a republic) of our Nation, and its Constitution which is designed to protect both a lawful commercial currency and a lawful spending of a paper money currency into circulation.
7. The only commercial processes are Declarations and Demands backed by truth and enforced by publicity, for publicity gives a commercial claim, its first force in public. If this fails, then the claim must be executed upon by marque and reprisal after additional warnings have been publicly issued.
8. The two fundamental Declarations are (1) Affidavits and (2) Contracts (backed by Affidavits).
9. The two fundamental Demands are (1) Distresses which suspend property in third party custody, and (2) Liens which seize property after a three-month default due to failure to contest the claim of obligation or debt.
10. Every violation of the Constitution must be exposed and documented by the filing and public distribution of an itemized criminal complaint, and every such complaint valued per 18 USC 241 or 242, or other applicable statutes citing the fair market value(s) of an offense(s) must be used as the basis for filing and publishing/publicizing commercial distresses and/or commercial liens against the offending parties. These filings and publications of commercial distresses and liens, if uncontested for a period of three months
11. become account receivable
12. , hence, become negotiable paper money currency at face value of the lien
13. upon the offenders severally and jointly. Such paper money currency is technically known as an assignment of a lien, or as "lien assignment currency." It is a currency substantially backed by the real and movable property of the lien debtors and as such is superior to the paper money currency of the Banking Syndicate. No esquire (judge or attorney) has the legitimate commercial power to expunge a commercial process (Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1 of U.S. Constitution--no State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts; Article 3 Section 1 Clause 1 of U.S. Constitution--judges shall hold their offices during good behavior.) All commercial processes must be honored unless dishonored by a commercial jury assembled in a commercial court of law (now usually assembled as a common law jury in a common law court, as provided by the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America).
14. Only the lien claimant, or the lien claimant's lawful representative(s) or a duly convened and properly operating jury (a jury ruling on both the law and the facts) or the lien debtor by satisfying the lien, can expunge a commercial lien. Any other person attempting or pretending to expunge a lien should be charged criminally for that act and be liened for damages.
15. In this way, the person(s) who assume the responsibility, risk and hazard of excising the commercial evils of the Banking Syndicate from the body of the Nation, become rewarded for their courage and sacrifices by being able to lawfully spend their lien into circulation as a paper money currency.
16. By this means sovereignty is returned to the people. Later the right to spend the paper money currency into circulation can be extended to the less hazardous contributions (labor, etc.) of people to the common good of the civilization and society.
17. One can see that Sovereignty is more a privilege than a right because ultimately it is properly established by responsible behavior, the courage to correct the wrongs of civilizations, and the determination to support the Constitution as it supports the lawful continuity of commerce and the equal application and equal protection of the law.

Hartford Van Dyke
P.O. Box 3100
Battle Ground, Washington
98604 USA


Third World Traveler
Socioeconomic Sovereignty
excerpt from Rogue States
The Rule of Force in World Affairs by Noam Chomsky

(although I can't believe Chomsky goes along with the "Official" report on 9/11 - this article is something else).,

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