March 22, 2007
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
"The Queen" illustrates how movies lull the public to sleep with Mother Goose stories. The drama rests entirely on Queen Elizabeth II's refusal to speak publicly after the death of Princess Diana in 1997; and how, under pressure from a grieving nation, she gallantly rose to the challenge.
Nominated for "Best Picture," the movie didn’t mention she had good reason to be reticent.
Helen Mirrren won an Oscar for "Best Actress" but if Mohammed Fayed is right, Elizabeth II deserves the award. She orchestrated the hit with her husband and son. "I want Charles and Philip together in court." Diana's fiance's father said recently. "These are the people who ordered the murder." Now that would have been a movie!
However, this one attributes Elizabeth's reservations to her wish to "suffer silently and with dignity" and "focus on her grandsons' suffering." The tensions that existed between the Princess and the House of Windsor are only implied. The movie comforts us: Elizabeth II is a "good person" and not a front for the world's greatest criminal syndicate, dealing in drugs, arms, prostitution and banking, according to Lyndon LaRouche's book "Dope, Inc." (1992.)
Prince Charles, Prince Philip and Tony and Cherie Blair come off as dedicated citizens and family people, not the creepy Masons, Satanists, traitors, murderers, criminals perverts and crystal gazers depicted by David Icke. (I reserve judgment on reptilian shape shifters.)
After seeing "The Queen," I left the cinema confident that "God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world. Our leaders are decent people trying to do what's right! The old ladies in the audience shouted, "pip, pip" when Elizabeth finally saw the light. "Well done, your majesty!"
The movie critics felt the same way. Ninety eight per cent gave the movie positive reviews.
However, in the case of murder, we always ask, "Who Benefits?" After the divorce of Charles and Diana in 1991, The London Daily Mail emphasized England "now has effectively two Royal Houses—the House of Charles and the House of Diana. In the first five months of separation, Princess Diana attracted five times as many spectators, twice as many reporters, and more than twice as many photographers than her husband." (Peter Fearon, "Buckingham Babylon" p. 372)
Diana's death looks like an old fashioned Mafia hit, a British dynastic spat. Didn't Queen Elizabeth I, have Mary Stuart beheaded in 1587? Diana threatened the family business and had to be taken out.
According to "This is London" (March 2) "Mr. Fayed has been implacable in his insistence that Prince Philip 'masterminded' the couples' death. He says Dodi and Diana planned to marry but the British establishment could not accept the prospect of the mother of a future king marrying a Muslim."
Or having a Muslim half-brother? There were rumors she was pregnant. Diana expressed fears that Charles would use MI-6 to arrange a car crash. There is evidence this is exactly what happened.
Imagine if this movie revealed the truth instead of covered it up?
"In pre-movie days the business of peddling lies about life was spotty and organized." Ben Hecht, a veteran screenwriter wrote. Since then, "One basic [movie] plot only has appeared daily...the triumph of virtue and the overthrow of wickedness.... (A Child of the Century, p. 468)
But, in real life, the bad guys have overthrown virtue. The Cabbalist central banking mob finagled control over national credit and is consolidating this power into world tyranny. It has bought everyone and everything and has made success often synonymous with serving the devil. It's goal is to Hoover up all the world's resources, train a servant/soldier class, and dispose of the "useless eaters," with the blessing of the rent-a-pundit/professor class. They fund the movies that delude, distract and debilitate the masses while they advance their plan.
Society is organized like a secret society (i.e. Freemasonry, Communism, Zionism, Feminism.). Most members are not told the real agenda. They are easier to manipulate with idealistic sounding platitudes about freedom and righteousness. This is the function of the mass media and education: to reinforce the official illusion: how things "are supposed to be."
[In a famous interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992, George Bush Sr. admitted: "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."]
To be hoaxed is probably the essence of the modern human experience, but of course few know it. Even those who rise in this monstrous conspiracy are dupes. These "useful idiots" provide a convincing facade. James Forrestal, for example, was an investment banker who became Truman's Secretary of Defense. When he realized the Masonic bankers controlled Communism as well as Capitalism, he couldn’t keep quiet. He was deemed "insane" and thrown from the window of Bethesda Naval Hospital. He was a good guy. He lost. There are no movies about him.
"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
Richard Nixon eventually realized the same thing and wanted to take back the USA. The CIA used The Washington Post and Watergate to impeach him. Yet the movie "All the President's Men" tells a cock-and-bull story about freedom of the press. The truth – a political hack who reaches for greatness by defying the Rockefellers--would have been wonderful. Even Oliver Stone missed this story in his depiction of Nixon's life.
Have you seen an honest movie about the murder of George Patton or Huey Long? One about 9-11? What about Margie Shroedinger, the woman who sued G.W. Bush for rape and "committed suicide" shortly after? Rachel Corrie? There are dozens of "good guys" murdered during the Clinton Administration. Each one would make a great movie.
Entertainment serves a political function. It creates the illusion that our leaders are sincere and represent our interests. In fact, most are dupes or gifted actors. Entertainment creates the illusion that society is governed by law, rather than by an occult criminal syndicate centered in the City of London.
[At the 1991 Bilderberg meeting, David Rockefeller thanked the media for covering up elite plans for the "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers." “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years." He means intellectual whores.]
News now sees itself as entertainment. The illusions fostered by entertainment is the main reason for our collective arrested development. People depend on it for information and guidances. Their souls cry out for beauty and a sense of what humans can aspire to. Instead they are fed a diet of deception and depravity.
If Mohammed Fayed is right, the movie "The Queen" covers up the murder of the mother of the future King of England.
Hopefully the Internet will become a new source of entertainment that nurtures rather than enslaves.
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Andrew said (March 23, 2007):
Movies play a dual distortionary role for the NWO. Not only do movies distort the past and hide the real motive for past events, but they also pave the way for public acceptance for our scripted future.
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